caries resistance, temporary teeth, children, caries, fluoride, prevalence, pulpitis, periodontitis.Abstract
The purpose of the study: to conduct a retrospective analysis of the prevalence, intensity of temporary dental caries and its complications in children of the Transcarpathian region, taking into account the endemic features of the Transcarpathian region and its influence on the course of the caries process. Materials and methods. To achieve the goal, we conducted a retrospective analysis of patient dental records (form 043/o) of the archive database of "University Dental Polyclinic" LLC (head doctor – M.V. Lyakhina) and Transcarpathian Regional Clinical Dental Polyclinic (head doctor – R.A. Lesiv). ), within the framework of the agreement on joint activities. The analysis of the documentation of the examined patients for 3 years (2018- 2020) was carried out, the number of analyzed medical records was 1025. The gender distribution of the examined sample of 1025 children was also carried out, as a result: 475 boys and 550 girls. Results and discussion. It is worth noting that the mountainous zone of Zakarpattia Oblast makes up 60–65% of the entire territory (Rakhiv, Tyachiv and Mukachiv districts). This territorial zone is characterized by a significant deficiency of fluorine, iodine, and a number of micro- and macroelements. The level of fluorine in the soil is 0.02–0.03 mg/l, in water – 0.3–0.5 mg/l. At the same time, the foothill zone is represented by the Khust district and makes up 10–15% of the territory of the region. The level of fluorine in the soil is 0.02–0.025 mg/l, in water – 0.2–0.4 mg/l. The level of deficiency of micro- and macroelements (fluorine, iodine, calcium) is high, which is reflected in the state of health of the human body, in particular that of children, as its growth and development negatively affect the formation of organs and systems at a young age. In the lowlands, at an altitude of 110–200 m above sea level, there are Uzhgorod, Mukachiv, Berehiv districts, which make up 20–30% of the entire territory. The level of fluorine in the soil is 0.015–0.022 mg/l, in water – 0.1– 0.3 mg/l. Based on this, it becomes clear that the high rates of prevalence, intensity of caries and its complications: pulpitis, periodontitis, are directly related to the insufficient intake of fluorine and iodine in the human body, which leads to an imbalance in the processes of enamel de- and remineralization, and accordingly, reduces the level of caries resistance of tooth enamel, which leads primarily to the destruction of the enamel crystal lattice and the appearance of defects in the hard tissues of the teeth with their subsequent destruction. Conclusions. In regions with a low content of fluorides and iodine in drinking water and soil, to which the Transcarpathian region also belongs, there is a significant prevalence and intensity of caries, as well as the percentage of its complications both among children and among the adult population, therefore the determination of these indicators remains relevant today day.
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