
  • V. G. Centilo Donetsk national medical University
  • V. O. Voloshyn Donetsk national medical University
  • S. I. Dramarec'ka Donetsk national medical University
  • M. M. Solodka Donetsk national medical University
  • V. V. Afonina Donetsk national medical University



dental caries, precervical lesions, direct res-toration, nanophotocomposite, glass ionomer cement


The purpose of the study. Clinical evaluation of the di-rect restorations made of different restoration materials of teeth with precervical carious lesions with different approaches to the preparation of cavities.
Materials and methods. The study involved 118 people aged 20 to 42 years old with precervical carious lesions of posterior teeth. In patients of groups 1 and 3, cavities were prepared according to generally accepted require-ments. In persons of group 2, additional conditions for re-tention were created in the dentin of the gingival wall. Di-rect reconstructions in patients of groups 1 and 2 were performed from nanophotocomposite, in patients of group 3 - from glass ionomer cement. The condition of the restorations was evaluated by clinical and aesthetic criteria at 12 and 24 months.
Results and discussion. For two years of follow-up, the largest number of missing restorations and cases of sec-ondary caries was found in patients of group 1. Aesthetic disorders most often occurred in patients of group 3. Ad-ditional conditions for retention provided high clinical rates of direct precervical photocomposite restorations in patients of group 2.


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How to Cite

Центіло, В. Г., Волошин, В. О., Драмарецька, С. І., Солодка, М. М., & Афоніна, В. В. (2021). AESTHETIC RESTORATION OF TEETH WITH PRECERVICAL LESIONS. Stomatological Bulletin, 111(2), 44–48.

