
  • S.M. Zviahin Academic and Research Medical Institute of Sumy State University
  • Y.V. Lakhtin Academic and Research Medical Institute of Sumy State University



oximetry, periodontium, periodontitis, supraocclusion relations.


The aim of the study. To determine the level of oxygenation of periodontal tissues in people of different age groups in supraocclusal ratios of individual teeth depending on age. Materials and methods of the study. Clinical and functional studies of the level of oxygen saturation of periodontal tissues in the supraocclusal relations of teeth in patients of different age groups were carried out. The study was conducted in 60 patients (23 men and 37 women) aged 25 to 75 years without concomitant somatic pathology. All patients were divided into 2 groups, control (11 men and 19 women) and experimental (12 men and 18 women). Each group was divided into 3 subgroups depending on age: young age (25 – 44 years), middle age (45 – 60 years) and elderly age (60 – 75 years) according to the WHO classification. The control group included patients with intact periodontium without signs of dental supraocclusion, and the experimental group included patients with intact periodontium with signs of supraocclusion of individual teeth. The presence of supraocclusal relations of individual teeth was determined by computer analysis using the T-Scan III apparatus by Tekscan, Inc. (Boston, USA), and the data obtained were stored in a personal computer. The study of oxygenation in periodontal tissues was performed by optical tissue oximetry (OTO) using a pulse oximeter Pulse Oximeter CMS60D (Contec Medical Systems Co., Ltd.), the level of oxygen saturation in the gums was determined in %SpO2. Measurements of oxygenation in periodontal tissues were performed in the gingival free zone, in the experimental group in the areas of teeth with supraocclusal relations on the upper and lower jaws, and in the control group in the area of molars on the upper and lower jaws for 3 minutes at each point in the patient's position sitting in a chair. The sensor was placed on the gingival mucosa without pressure. Scientific novelty. Indicators of periodontal tissue oxygenation in the experimental group were less than those of the control group (p<0.05). In young patients, oxygenation was 2.4% lower, in middle-aged patients – 3.1%, and in elderly patients – 2.8%. It is also noted that the level of oxygenation within both the control and experimental groups decreases with age. Conclusions. The presence of supraocclusal ratios of individual teeth causes a decrease in periodontal tissue oxygenation in people of all age groups. The level of oxygen saturation in the gingiva also decreases with age, regardless of the state of occlusion.


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