


rapid maxillary expansion, low position of the tongue, standard myofunctional devices, deformation of the nasal septum, growing patients.


Abstract. According to WHO statistical analysis, maxillofacial pathology is one of the most urgent problems of modern orthodontics. Rapid maxillary expansion with fixed appliance RME (Rapid maxillary expansion) is used as a routine clinical procedure in orthodontics for growing patients with transverse narrowing, deep palatal arch, associated crossbite and crowding of teeth until the palatal suture is fully fixed. There is evidence that maxillary expansion with RME may also improve airway patency. The aim of the study. To analyze data from existing studies on the effectiveness of maxillary expansion using the RME apparatus and its effect on the formation and development of the upper airway in growing patients. Materials and methods. Research published on RubMed, Embase, and Cinahl resources, as well as data from Ukrainian scientific works, were analyzed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of maxillary expansion using the RME device and its impact on the formation and development of the upper respiratory tract in growing patients. Conclusions. The use of the RME system is not only an effective tool for orthodontic treatment, but can also be used in the complex treatment of impaired nasal breathing by expanding the ventilation passages and reducing the hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. In addition, the fixed RME device may improve Eustachian tube function by improving the function of the levator and tensor palatine muscles with possible positive effects on recurrent chronic otitis media with effusion and conductive hearing loss in growing patients. Therefore, otorhinolaryngologists should regularly carefully consider the conformation of the upper jaw of growing patients, since the identification of the changed skeletal structure can contribute to the selection of optimal treatment tactics, avoiding surgical interventions (adenotonsillectomy or placement of a tympanic ventilation tube). Based on the analyzed data, it can be argued that early application of RME in growing patients can also help to avoid operative treatment of nasal septum deformity at an older age. However, it is necessary to conduct further studies in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the unchanged RME device in the treatment structure of patients with violation of the function of the external respiratory tract and dysfunction of the circular muscle of the mouth.


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How to Cite

Щербина, Т., & Лихота, К. (2024). MAXILLARY EXPANSION WITH A FIXED RME APPLIANCE IN GROWING PATIENTS. Stomatological Bulletin, 127(2), 9–16.

