
  • S. S. Dekina State Establishment «Тhe Physico-Chemical Institute named after O.V.Bogatskij of the NAS of Ukraine», Odessa
  • O. E. Uspenskiy Kharkiv national medical university
  • I. A. Selivanskaya State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»
  • L. N. Khromagina State Establishment «The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»



gums, indomethacin, lysozyme, quercetin, phytogel, inflammation, dysbiosis, antioxidants


The aim: To determine the possibility of preventing pathologi-cal changes in the gums of rats with indomethacin intoxication using phytogel containing lysozyme and quercetin.
The materials and methods: Four phytogels were used: the 1st did not contain lysozyme and quercetin, the 2nd contained lyso-zyme, the 3rd contained quercetin, and the 4th contained lyso-zyme and quercetin (Lysozyme-Forte). Experiments were car-ried out on 5 groups of rats: 1st – intact (control), 2nd – re-ceived “empty” gel, 3rd – received gel with lysozyme, 4th – gel with quercetin and 5th – gel with lysozyme and quercetin. Gels were applied in the form of applications to the mucous mem-brane of the gums and cheeks in a dose of 0.5 ml per rat daily for 3 days. Indomethacin was administered in the / gastrointes-tinal dose of 10 mg/kg once on the 3rd day of the experiment to rats of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th groups. Euthanasia was carried out on the 4th day of the experiment. In the homogenate of the gums, the activity of elastase, catalase, urease, lysozyme and the content of MDA were determined. The ratio of catalase and MDA was calculated antioxidant-prooxidant index (API), and the ratio of urease and lysozyme - the degree of dysbiosis.
The findings: In rats treated with indomethacin, the elastase level, MDA, urease and the degree of dysbiosis significantly increase, but the activity of lysozyme, catalase and the level of API decreases. Oral application of gels with lysozyme, quercetin or lysozyme-forte reduces the levels of elastase, MDA, urease and the degree of dysbiosis, but increases the activity of lysozyme, catalase and the level of API. Gel “Lizozym-Forte” was a more effective drug.
The conclusion: Phytogel "Lysozyme-Forte" has a periodontoprotective effect in case of indomethacin intoxication.


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How to Cite

Декіна, С. С., Успенський, О. Є., Селіванська, І. О., & Хромагіна, Л. М. (2021). PREVENTIVE EFFECT ON THE GINGIVA OF RATS PHYTOGEL “LYSOZYME-FORTE” WITH INDOMETHACIN INTOXICATION. Stomatological Bulletin, 107(2), 14–18.

