dentofacial anomalies, the effectiveness of treatment, diagnosisAbstract
We analyzed 72 medical histories of male patients aged 8 to 17 years, who applied to one of the private dental clin-ics in Baku with various anomalies of the dental region, as well as 95 medical histories of male children and adolescents aged 9 to 17 years in one of the state dental clinics in Baku. It was found that in a private dental clin-ic, the percentage of patients with dental anomalies aged 8-9 years was 8.3 %, 10-11 years-11.1 %, 12-13 years-31.9 %, 14-15 years-37.5 %, and 16-17 years-11.1 % of the total sample.
The most common dental anomalies among the group of patients at a private dental clinic were malocclusions. Mesial bite type was common among 47.2 % of patients, especially common at the age of 13.14 and 15 years – 62.5 %, 80.0 % and 41.7 % of patients, respectively. Dis-tal occlusion was common among 38.9 % of the entire sample of patients, most common at the age of 12 years-53.3 %, 16 years - 100 % and 17 years-60 % of patients. Dental anomalies such as cross and deep bite occupied 11.1 % and 2.7 % of the total sample of patients, respec-tively.
Conclusions. The results obtained indicate such an im-portant aspect of health as timely diagnosis and treatment of anomalies of the dental region of persons of pre-conscription age, which can significantly increase the number of conscripts who are fit for military service. The study showed that early diagnosis of diseases and the use of modern methods of their treatment shows the greatest efficiency of the dental service.
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