
  • S.I. Doroshenko PHEE «Kyiv Medical University»
  • О.V. Fedorova PHEE «Kyiv Medical University»
  • S.V. Irkha PHEE «Kyiv Medical University»
  • E. Elmahgrabi PHEE «Kyiv Medical University»
  • A.V. Storozhenko PHEE «Kyiv Medical University»




secondary dento-jaw deformations, patient motiva-tion techniques, diagnostic and treatment algorithms


A large number of clinical studies indicate that when there is a violation of the integrity of the dentition, or significant carious lesions of the occlusive surface of the teeth, secondary dental-jaw-deformation (SDJD) is observed, which initially leads to negative functional changes, and in the future cause a violation of all elements of the tooth-jaw apparatus (TJA).
The purpose of the study: Optimization of prosthetic treatment of patients with defects in teeth and dentitions, complicated by the SDJD.
Materials and methods. We have been approved for orthopedic treatment of 70 patients with SDJD, of which 39 (55.71 %) of females and 31 (44.29 %) males. Patients were divided into two main clinical groups: 1 group - 45 (64.29 %) persons who had included defect and 2 groups - 25 (35.71 %) of patients with dis-tally unbounded defects (I II). During the examination of the oral cavity, attention was paid to the shape of the dentition, changes in the position of the teeth in the vertical, transversal and sagittal planes, determined the degree of violation of the occlusive surface of the teeth, and analyzed the occlusal con-tacts of the antagonists with the help of the computer system T-scan’s of the dentition (III-IV) Conducted a comprehensive training of all parts of the dental apparatus (teeth, dental rows, TMJ, masticatory muscles, oral mucosa).
Results. On the basis of our research, we developed an algo-rithm for treating patients with BPH, which included three peri-ods: preparatory, basic and rehabilitation. The algorithm devel-oped by us developed treatment of patients with hypertension of varying degrees of severity. the preparatory period was to de-termine the extent of the interventions and their sequencing and was in a phased manner.
Correction of interocclusion and jaw correlations was carried out using temporary prosthetics and direct restorations as well as temporary structures using wax modeling of occlusion archi-tectonics in an articulator under the control of axiography("Method of prosthetics in conditions of secondary dentoschelepnyh deformations" - patent number 124357 dated 10/04/2018). The method was used in the case of the need to re-store not only the anatomical form of the teeth and the integrity of the dentition, but also the ratio of jaws conclusions.
A routine diagnosis of violations of all the components of the tooth-jaw apparatus, as well as complex preparation and phase-out treatment of patients with SDJD can avoid possible complications and provide a choice of rational design dentures, which positively affects the quality of the result.
The algorithms developed for diagnosing and treating patients with SDJD, including the phased preparation of all parts of the TJA with a detailed analysis of occlusion relations and their res-toration by the manufacture of orthodontic apparatus and tem-porary structures, allows for an adapted correction of occlusive and artic proportions, as well as a reorganization of the myotactic reflex, necessary for the achievement of integration and coordinated work of the entire tooth-jaw apparatus.
The proposed spark distance electrosurgical method for the de-struction of soft tissues of the oral cavity can be applied at the preparatory stage for elongation of the extracted part of the tooth and provide aseptic conditions for the intervention, obtain-ing a clearly focused demarcation zone with dry tissue necrosis, reliable hemostasis, and thus shorten the healing time of the wound surface, compared with the traditional surgical method.
The application of the motivation method with the help of the template developed by us in the process of diagnosis and prepa-ration of the treatment plan allows the patient to better under-stand the actual state of his dental health, motivates the treat-ment, helps to build a more trusting relationship between him and the doctor, and also feel responsible for his treatment.


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How to Cite

Дорошенко, С., Федорова, О., Ірха, С., Елмагхрабі, Е., & Стороженко, А. (2021). OPTIMIZATION PROSTHETIC TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH DEFECTS IN TEETH AND DENTITIONS, COMPLETED BY THE SECONDARY DENTO-JAW DEFORMATIONS. Stomatological Bulletin, 107(2), 38–42. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2019-32-2-38-42

