menopause, osteoporosis, bone tissue, hypoestrogenism, periodontal pathologyAbstract
Purpose of the study. Тo analyze the scientific literature and give a generalized description of the impact of endocrine changes in menopause on the functional state of bone tissue. Research methods. The analysis of recent studies and publications devoted to the problem of osteoporosis and changes in the bone system are conducted. The main trends of the influence of osteoporotic changes to the development of dental problems and pathology of the bone and muscle system are determined. Scientific novelty. The article is devoted to the current problem of menopause, osteoporosis and changes in the skeletal system. Osteoporosis is a common systemic skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a violation of bone structure. Often patients with osteoporosis become disabled and require thirdparty care and significant material costs. Conclusions. Osteoporosis is a polyetiological systemic disease of bone tissue, characterized by a decrease in bone mass and deterioration of bone structure and increased fragility. This disease is of great socio-economic importance in all countries of the world due to the high cost of treatment of such patients and high disability. Disorders of bone tissue in menopause and bone metabolism cause a number of dental problems: periodontal disease, tooth loss, prosthetic difficulties and instability of dentures due to osteoporotic changes in the jaws, but the mechanisms of these disorders associated with changes in biochemical processes and hormonal status are insufficient and need further research.
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