caries, chidren, asthma, preventionAbstract
Actuality. Analysis of dental morbidity of children in dif-ferent regions of Ukraine shows a significant increase in recent years in the prevalence primary and permanent teeth as well, which is 65-98 % at an intensity of 1.2 to 7.1 tooth.
Somatic pathology is one of the important risk factors for the development of caries in children. Asthma is one of the most common allergic diseases of the respiratory sys-tem, its frequency in children of Ukraine ranges from 3 % to 15 %.
However, the impact of the course and treatment of asth-ma on the oral ecosystem, including tooth enamel, has been insufficiently studied, which necessitated a detailed study of risk factors for dental caries in children with asthma and the development of differentiated preventive measures.
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures in children with asthma.
Material and methods of the researches. There were 144 12-year-old children suffering from asthma under our ob-servation duaring 2 years who were treated in the pulmo-nary-allergic department of children's regional hospital. It was developed a set of measures for the prevention of dental caries for children with I-II and III-IV degree of severity of asthma. Assessment of the effectiveness of pre-ventive measures complex was carried out after 6, 12, 24 months according to the following criteria: caries intensi-ty (DMF), reduction of the increase in the intensity of car-ies, the level of hygiene of the oral cavity (according to Green-Vermillion index), mineralizing potential of saliva (MPS).
Results. The improоvement of the following indicators was found for 2 years of our observation: decrease in the increase of caries intensity in children with III-IV com-pared with I-II degree of severity of asthma; improоvment of oral hygiene and in mineralizing potential of saliva. The reduction in the increase of caries intensity in chil-dren with asthma amount 46.94 % in children with I-II and 51.02 % with III-IV severity of asthma.
Conclusions. The analysis of the results of the examina-tion of children during the two years of application of the developed set of caries prevention measures shows that the implemented measures are effective for application in children depending on the severity of asthma.
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