complete removable dentures, pick-up impressions of prosthetic bedAbstract
The aim of the study. Improving the technology of obtaining pick-up impressions for the manufacture of complete removable dentures, to establish a scheme of interaction between dentist and orthopedist with doctors of other specialties, to extend the life time of complete removable dentures through individual selection of material for prosthetics of patients. Research methods. We consulted 47 patients with complaints of unsatisfactory fixation and stabilization of complete removable dentures. In 17 patients (36%) there were only cardiovascular, endocrine and nephrological diseases, in the other 27 (58%) – combined, with the predominance of one of them, in 3 people from the group (6%) the course of somatic diseases was aggravated by the presence of allergic reactions. in the anamnesis. We used a developed questionnaire in which the patient during 7–10 days hourly noted subjective sensations by the degree of fixation and stabilization of the denture, the presence of pressure on soft tissues and the time of unsatisfactory fixation or stabilization. After processing the results and assessing changes in the condition of the soft tissues of the prosthetic bed, we determined the time interval when there were no symptoms of compression under the prosthesis and how it was kept for hours. At once, the time from which the prosthesis began to fall or fixation or stabilization deteriorated was determined. To determine the optimal time of day it is necessary to take into account the results of questionnaires, surveys and additional assessment of the soft tissues of the prosthetic bed. Scientific novelty. The technology of obtaining pick-up impressions of the prosthetic bed in patients with concomitant somatic diseases was optimized. Conclusions. The manufacture of complete removable dentures for patients with comorbidities and aggravated allergy status should be performed in remission of comorbidities. Anatomical and functional impressions should be taken at the optimal time of day. An individual approach in the selection of material for dentures avoids the manifestation of allergic reactions in the oral cavity, and, as a consequence, improves the fixation of complete removable dentures. Control of fixation and stabilization of prostheses in patients for 12 months allows the dentist to respond in a timely manner to possible changes in the prosthetic bed and adjust further tactics of treatment of patients with comorbidities.
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