periodontal tissues, generalized periodontitis, duodenal ulcer, stress reaction, bleeding, perforation, periodontal indicesAbstract
Research analysis in recent years proves a strong link between the development of periodontal disease and systemic diseases. A number of studies have been devoted to the peculiarities of the clinical course of generalized periodontitis in patients with duodenal ulcer, while information on the condition of periodontal tissues in its complications is seldom. Purpose of the study. To study the condition of periodontal tissues in persons with duodenal ulcer and its complications. Materials and methods. To solve the goal and objectives of the study 131 patients with generalized periodontitis aged 20 to 70 years were examined. All patients were divided into four groups: 1 group consisted of 46 patients with duodenal ulcer complicated by bleeding; group 2 consisted of 18 patients with duodenal ulcer complicated by perforation of the ulcer; the 3rd group included 29 patients with exacerbation of duodenal ulcer; group 4 consisted of 38 patients with generalized periodontitis without duodenal ulcer. Assessment of periodontal tissues was performed by studying periodontal and hygienic indices. In order to establish the presence, intensity and localization of the inflammatory process Schiller-Pisarev test was performed, oral hygiene was assessed using the Fedorov-Volodkina index, objectification of periodontal status was performed by periodontal indices: index of bleeding gingival papillae A.L. Russel, papillary-marginal alveolar index (PMA) in the Parma modification. Research results and their discussion. The analysis of the index assessment revealed a poor level of oral hygiene in persons with duodenal ulcer and its complications. This was manifested by the development of inflammatory and to a greater extent inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of periodontal tissues, as evidenced by indicators of periodontal indices. Conclusions. Acute bleeding causes the greatest stress response in patientswith duodenal ulcer and its complications. Increased stress, metabolic disorders of the body due to a number of pathophysiological changes lead to increased inflammatory and destructive changes in periodontal tissues.
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