
  • N.I. Velikov
  • O.V. Denga




children of the Danube region, dental diseases, prevention.


Purpose of the work. To evaluate the clinical effect of the proposed Prevention of major dental diseases on the dental condition of children in the Danube Region. Materials and methods. The proposed therapeutic and preventive complex for children aged 6 and 12 living in the Danube region included adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing, and remineralizing agents. Results and their discussion. The study showed that this complex was highly effective in treating common dental conditions in children. Specifically, over 2 years of observation, the caries prophylactic effectiveness of the complex reached 40.8 % in 6-year-olds and 51.29 % in 12-year-olds. The PMA% index decreased by 1.87 times in 6-year-olds and by 2.5 times in 12-yearolds. There was also a significant reduction in bleeding and Schiller-Pisarev indexes in both age groups over the 2-year period. Additionally, the level of oral hygiene significantly improved in the intervention group, as reflected in the decrease of Silness-Loe and Stallard indices. In comparison, children in the control groups who received only basic therapy showed no significant changes in the measured indicators over the 2-year observation period. Conclusions. So, the therapeutic and preventive complex, which contained adaptogens, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing and remineralizing drugs, showed high efficiency in the treatment of major dental diseases in children aged 6 and 12 years living in the Danube Region. according to the results of 2-year follow-up, the main group of children showed stabilization and improvement of dental health indicators, a decrease in the level of caries prevention indicators and a decrease in the indicators of the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues. Thus, we can assume that the proposed therapeutic and preventive complex is effective for the health of children in the Danube Region and can be used for dental prevention.


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How to Cite

Веліков, М., & Дєньга, О. (2023). EFFICACY OF DENTAL PREVENTION IN CHILDREN LIVING IN THE DANUBE REGION. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-47-1.3

