
  • O.Ya. Mokryk
  • S.V. Ushtan
  • N.I. Leshchyshyn
  • M.R. Nazarevych




neuron-specific enolase (NSE), laboratory diagnosis, trigeminal nerve, traumatic neuropathy, mild brain injury, zygomatic fracture.


According to the professional literature, the determination of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood serum allows the assessment of the degree of mechanical and/or ischemic neuronal damage. Taking into account the above, we aimed to establish the diagnostic informativeness of the study of the content of NSE in the blood as a marker of damage to the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve in surgical patients with a combined trauma of the middle face. Clinical observations were carried out on 50 patients with a combined trauma of the middle face – mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) -concussion or a slight contusion of the brain and multiple fractures of the zygomatic bones and arches, which were accompanied by traumatic neuropathy of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve (infraorbital, zygomatic ) of varying severity. Patients were divided into two clinical groups. The first clinical group included 31 patients with brain concussion, among them 14 patients were diagnosed with mild neuropathy (neuropraxia) of the infraorbital and zygomatic nerves, and 17 with moderate neuropathy of these nerves (axonotmesis). The second clinical group included 19 patients with mild concussion. They had clinical and functional signs of neuropathy of the branches of the maxillary nerve of medium severity. The degree of nerve damage and the reduction of the clinical and functional symptoms of neuropathy were determined instrumentally by means of electroodontometry of the canines of the mandible and measurement of the electrical potentials of the facial skin on the side of the zygomatic bone damage, and the content of NSE was determined in the blood serum. The study was conducted during hospitalization, on the 7th and 14th days of the postoperative period. It has been established that the determination of NSE in the blood of surgical patients with traumatic neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve has diagnostic informativeness (diagnostic sensitivity and specificity) with an average degree of damage, when the concentration of this neuronal enzyme increases excessively. A mild brain injury (concussion) does not affect on these indicators. On the background of the clinical manifestation of a mild concussion and its neurological complications (arachnoiditis), the specificity, diagnostic efficiency and prognostic significance of the NSE study as a "sensitive" marker for assessing the nature of damage to the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve decreases.


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How to Cite

Мокрик, О., Уштан, С., Лещишин, Н., & Назаревич, М. (2023). DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATIVENESS OF THE STUDY OF NEURON-SPECIFIC ENOLASE IN THE BLOOD OF SURGICAL PATIENTS WITH TRAUMATIC NEUROPATHY OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 105–112. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-47-1.18

