temporomandibular joint dysfunction, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, removable cap with an inclined plane, treatment of TMJ dysfunction.Abstract
The purpose of the study. Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of a comprehensive examination in the treatment of patients with TMJ dysfunction complicated by OSAS. Materials and methods. Comprehensive examination and treatment was carried out in 67 patients with TMJ dysfunction complicated by OSAS of various degrees of severity. The uneven number of patients in sex-age groups is due to a higher number of cases in men aged 40 to 59 years. A comprehensive examination of patients with TMJ dysfunction was carried out using the Helkimo index, assessment of snoring intensity using the “SnoreLab” mobile application. Assessment of the condition of patients after using a cap with an inclined plane was carried out after 3 months of use. Scientific novelty. Currently, the study of TMJ abnormalities and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is increasingly of interest. A comprehensive study of examination methods and the use of orthopedic devices for the treatment of TMJ dysfunction and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome give positive results. Difficulties in diagnosis and treatment lie in the fact that patients with the specified impairment have a complex clinical picture of polyetiological origin, which can often be accompanied by various clinical manifestations. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, treatment of moderate severity is ranked 1st in terms of effectiveness, with mild in the 2nd place, and severe in the 3rd place. The lower effectiveness of treatment of patients with a severe degree is explained by the fact that this group has formed a stable pathological system with expressed structural changes, which are difficult to cure completely, but can be transferred to a lighter degree of severity by correctly selected comprehensive treatment.
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