
  • N.I. Smoljar
  • N.L. Chukhray
  • E.V. Bezvushko
  • B.M. Mirchuk
  • V.S. Grynovec



Orthodontics, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, University’s school of Orthodontics in Lviv.


In 2021, the Department of Orthodontics of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University celebrated 5 years. The establishment of the University School of Orthodontics in the framework of the science of odontology began in Lviv at the beginning of the 19th century. The science of odontology, as a subject, was taught at the Medical faculty of Lviv University. Medical students learned about the peculiarities of mixed dentition in children and the influence of various factors on the formation of the permanent dentition, with the study of the possibilities of contemporary prosthetics. The process of the branching of Orthodontics in Dentistry began already in the middle of the 20th century, and the scientists mentioned in this article contributed to it. In 2016, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of Lviv National Medical University (Protocol No. 4 – bp of 25.05.2016), the Department of orthodontics was established in order to optimize the educational process, improve scientific and medical-diagnostic work. Despite the short period of work of the young Department, the historical process of formation of the university science of this area of Dentistry lasted in Lviv for about two centuries and passed all stages of development according to world standards and was formed into a new university discipline of medical and dental science. From that time until today, and now at the Department of Orthodontics of Danylo Halytskyi LNMU, students of the discipline "Orthodontics" are being trained. At the modern level, scientific work is being conducted, which creates an opportunity to improve this specialty. During the period of functioning of the department, more than 20 doctoral theses were defended. The department staff maintains close scientific and practical cooperation with colleagues from Poland, Georgia, Belarus, Austria, China, Italy, and Spain, creating joint international projects. Today, employees of the Department continue to develop at a high level the established traditions of Orthodontics in Lviv, which have developed over the centuries.


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How to Cite

Смоляр, Н., Чухрай, Н., Безвушко, Е., Мірчук, Б., & Гриновець, В. (2023). FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ORTHODONTICS IN LVIV. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 184–190.