children, dentistry, biophysics, periodontal tissues, treatment and prevention complexAbstract
The study is dedicated to the research of the influence of complex dental treatment on the biophysical characteristics of periodontal tissues and oral fluid in children of the Danube region. 93 children of the Danube region 6-12 years old participated in the study, who were divided into two groups: the main group – 43 persons; the comparison group – 40 persons. Children in the comparison group received oral cavity sanitation and professional hygiene. Children of the main group additionally received a developed complex of adaptogens, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing and remineralizing drugs. The effectiveness of the prevention of dental morbidity in children was assessed by inflammation of periodontal tissues and the reaction of the microcapillary bed to chewing load, as well as by assessing fluctuations in the pH level of oral fluid in individual samples. A statistically significant difference between alternative quantitative traits with a distribution corresponding to the normal law was evaluated using the Student's t-test. The difference was considered statistically significant at p<0.01. Spectrocolorimetric studies of the gums showed that the implementation of preventive measures in children of the main group allowed to reduce the degree of inflammation of the gums, as well as their permeability to Schiller-Pisarev's solution. The therapeutic and prophylactic complex made it possible to reduce the magnitude of fluctuations in the ΔpH of the oral fluid of children in individual samples, which indicates the normalization of functional adaptation and compensatory reactions that maintain the stability of the pH of the oral fluid. It has been shown that treatment and prevention measures allowed to improve the response of periodontal tissue microcapillaries to chewing load in children of the main group of the Danube region.
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