children, traumatic injuries, maxillofacial region, CAD/CAM, teeth, splint constructionAbstract
Today, computer modeling in combination with experimental methods of studying the stress-strain state (SSS) of biomechanical systems (Bs) are the most informative modern tools not only for planning surgical operations, but also for determining the possibility and method of using fixing devices. The finite element method (FEM) is well adapted to the complex geometry of Maxillofacial tissues. Its first applications in the field of Dentistry were carried out back in 1973. The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal level of placement of the splint structure on the injured teeth of the child's upper jaw, depending on the two variants of the root formation and the presence of contacts between the teeth under the influence of two directions of functional load on the teeth. Materials and methods. The object of the research was 24 three-dimensional computer models of the biomechanical system of the upper jaw with a splinting system for fixing teeth. To achieve the goals, CAD/CAE methods and computer tomography data were used to create models of the stress-strain state of the biomechanical system of the upper jaw with splinting structures of the dental row. Results. Due to analysis of the results obtained, the qualitative characteristics of displacement and stress fields were established. Teeth having 70 % of unformed root are less capable of impact under the pressure of compression and bending. The system exhibits a greater resistance at 2.8 times to the compression of the Рzi than the bend of Pyi. The absence of contact contributes to the mobility of the system at 1.5 times. Conclusions. The pathogenetic factors that influence the rigidity of the splint fixation on the injured teeth have been identified including a degree of root formation, the direction of the force impact, the position of the splint on the crown of the tooth, the presence of contact between adjacent teeth.
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