
  • I.S. Dankevych-Kharchyshyn
  • Yu.O. Rybert
  • N.N. Bandrivska




generalized periodontitis, atherosclerosis, lipid and immunological parameters, oral fluid.


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of generalized periodontitis of the initial – I degree in patients with atherosclerosis based on the dynamics of lipid and immunological parameters. Research methods. The effectiveness of treatment of generalized periodontitis of the initial – I degree was evaluated on the basis of the dynamics of lipid and immunological parameters in 26 patients with atherosclerosis: 15 patients – the main group and 11 patients – the control group. The content of triglycerides (enzymatic hydrolysis followed by glycerol determination by colorimetric method) and lipase activity (kinetic, colorimetric method) were determined in the oral fluid of the study groups. The concentration of Il-1 and TNF-α in the oral fluid was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using standard kits from Diadone (France) and Immunotech (France), respectively. Scientific novelty. As a result of the studies, a decrease in the content of triglycerides was found – by 52,89%, IL-1β – by 47,58%, TNF-α – by 45,82%, against the background of an increase in lipase activity – by 39,40%, p<0,01, p<0,05, compared with the data before treatment. At the same time, in the control group, the use of conventional methods for the management of dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues did not affect the improvement of the values of the studied lipid and immunological parameters. Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the application of the treatment and prevention scheme developed by them, it was possible to achieve improvement and stabilization of lipid and immunological parameters in the oral fluid, in the management of generalized periodontitis of the initial – I degree in patients with atherosclerosis.


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№ 2. С. 124-128.



How to Cite

Данькевич-Харчишин, І., Риберт, Ю., & Бандрівська, Н. (2023). DYNAMICS OF LIPID AND IMMUNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS DURING THE MANAGEMENT OF GENERALISED PERIODONTITIS OF THE INITIAL STAGE IN PATIENTS WITH ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Stomatological Bulletin, 125(4), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-50-4.2

