maxillofacial injuries, orthopedic rehabilitation, war, military conflicts, medical care, surgery.Abstract
Research Objective. To determine the necessity for orthopedic rehabilitation for patients with maxillofacial injuries who underwent surgical interventions in a hospital setting, and to draw relevant conclusions. Research Methods. This study is based on the analysis of data from 49 medical histories of individuals affected by firearm and blast injuries to the maxillofacial region. These patients were treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the Kyiv Regional Clinical Hospital in 2022. The aim was to identify the need for orthopedic rehabilitation, achieved through the collection and systematic analysis of medical documentation. Scientific Novelty. The results of this research identified new needs and trends in orthopedic rehabilitation for injured patients post-surgical interventions. The medical documentation was analyzed to establish clear etiological factors of injuries, assess the condition of local tissues following injuries during the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict, and determine the general need for orthopedic treatment in patients with documented loss of a single tooth. Conclusions. The escalating number of maxillofacial injuries in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war necessitates further development and refinement of methods for orthopedic rehabilitation in patients with similar injuries. This issue is becoming increasingly urgent, and the development of new approaches and innovative methods is an immediate task for the medical community. Improving the diagnosis and treatment of facial injuries will enhance the quality of life for injured patients, facilitating their return to active life and society.
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