
  • M.M. Shevchuk
  • L.Yu. Minko
  • O.V. Skybchyk
  • R.Yu. Shkrebnyuk
  • V.T. Dyryk
  • O.O. Myhal




generalized periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, index assessment of periodontal status, conservative treatment.


the background of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) remains one of the complex and insufficiently studied problems of dentistry and medicine. The relationship between the pathogenetic mechanisms of GP and RA necessitates an interdisciplinary approach to the development of effective comprehensive schemes for the treatment and prevention of GP against the background of RA. The aim of the research was to study the dynamics of periodontal indices after conservative treatment of GP in patients with RA. Materials and methods. Periodontal treatment was carried out in 58 patients with GP against the background of RA, who were divided into two groups. The main group included 31 patients (53,45%), whose treatment was carried out using the developed scheme of conservative treatment of GP. The comparison group consisted of 27 patients (46,55%), whose GP treatment was performed according to generally accepted protocols. The dynamics of the index values of PMA, OHI-S, CPITN and the vacuum test of gingival capillary resistance by V.I. Kulazhenko method underwent assessment before treatment, 6 and 12 months after treatment. Results. The results of assessing the effectiveness of the developed scheme of conservative treatment of GP of I and II degrees of severity against the background of RA with the CPITN index values < 2 points indicate the improvement and stabilization of the pathological process in the periodontal tissues, which was confirmed by the positive dynamics of the index evaluations in the longterm follow-up period. In patients who were treated using the developed scheme there was a significant improvement in oral hygiene and the clinical condition of the gums, in particular, a decrease in the degree of the inflammatory process according to the PMA index. Conclusions. The expressed effectiveness of the developed treatment scheme for GP against the background of RA was also proven by a high percentage of patients (80,65%), who showed the "stabilization" of the pathological process after 12 months of observation. On the contrary, in the comparison group, whose GP treatment was carried out by traditional methods, the number of such individuals was significantly smaller and amounted to 40,47% (p<0,01).


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How to Cite

Шевчук, М., Мінько, Л., Скибчик, О., Шкребнюк, Р., Дирик, В., & Мигаль, О. (2024). DYNAMICS OF PARACLINICAL INDICES AFTER CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT OF GENERALIZED PERIODONTITIS IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOED ARTHRITIS WITH CPITN INDEX VALUES &lt; 2. Stomatological Bulletin, 126(1), 78–84. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2024-51-1.15

