gastroesophageal reflux disease, damage to hard dental tissues, direct and indirect restorations.Abstract
The aim of the study. To conduct a comparative characterization of the quality of composite fillings and ceramic inlays in the long term after the elimination of defects of the hard tissues of the teeth with a loss of 50-65% of the occlusal surface in patients with GERD. Research methods. 47 patients aged 25-65 years old, patients with confirmed GERD, who applied to the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the P. L. Shupyk National Hospital of Ukraine for the purpose of orthopedic treatment of TTZ defects (chronic medium caries on the background of increased wear of hard tooth tissues) during destruction took part in the study 50-65% of their occlusal surface. The degree of destruction of the occlusal surface of chewing teeth was determined using the index of destruction of the occlusal surface of chewing teeth (IROPZ). Electroexcitability of the pulp – with the help of the EOD-2M device. Oral hygiene was evaluated using the Green-Vermillion index and the periodontal index. The clinical quality of both direct and indirect restorations was evaluated in the long-term (12, 24 months) using visual-instrumental control and according to the modified California Dental Association/Ryge criteria. Scientific novelty. The long-term results of the clinical examination of patients with GERD and defects of the hard tissues of the teeth prove the feasibility of replacing the latter with ceramic inserts due to greater preservation of the original quality of the orthopedic structure compared to fillings made of composite material. Conclusion. Complications that arise after replacement of defects of hard dental tissues in patients with GERD are often caused by mistakes made by dentists at the stage of choosing a treatment method. The problem of choosing a method of treatment of defects of hard dental tissues in patients with GERD requires thorough study and development of modern approaches according to the principles of evidence-based medicine.
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