digital method, analog method, occlusal ratios, partial tooth loss, occlusion correction, questionnaire.Abstract
Diseases of the temporomandibular joint in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry are observed quite often in the form of chronic processes and occupy a special place in terms of diagnosis and treatment due to the diverse, complex clinical picture. A special place in the violation of the temporomandibular joint belongs to an increase in the tone of the masticatory muscles and a violation of their function. The role of occlusal relationship disorders should also be taken into account in the pathogenesis of diseases of the temporomandibular joint. The correct diagnostic process is hindered by the lack of a unified classification of joint diseases. Literature data and clinical observations indicate that the above-mentioned causes are important in the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the temporomandibular joint. It is necessary to emphasize the interdependence of all these etiological moments. Purpose of the work. Improve the quality of orthopedic dental care by optimizing the route of a patient with TMJ dysfunction. Materials and methods. Retrospectively, we analyzed the treatment of 128,613 patients with TMJ dysfunction, the course of treatment, and the comprehensive approach of the center's doctors for 2023; statistical data. Research results and discussion. 84.4 % of patients (I) of group (Main) with severe TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome who received muscle relaxants before Complex standard treatment had a positive effect of clinical treatment and on average required up to 7 visits to the Dental Center, in contrast to 15.6% of patients "II" (comparative group) who had general standard comprehensive treatment of TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome without the use of muscle relaxants, had up to 12 visits to the Dental Center and long-term preservation of symptoms of TMJ pain dysfunction. The result of occlusal therapy in connection with the restructuring of the myostatic reflex and occlusal ratios, taking into account different types of occlusions in patients, requires, in the future, mandatory prosthetics of various types of orthopedic structures that would provide reconstruction of functional occlusion. Conclusions. The high clinical effectiveness of treatment of a group of patients (84.4 %) with severe pain dysfunction syndrome TMJ, which had a predominant number in women, in contrast to the group of men, was determined in the treatment of this pathology using muscle relaxant caps and a standard approved protocol, which made it possible to improve the quality of life of patients, reduce the number of visits to the dentist, and achieve a reduction in the duration of treatment of such patients. Patients with undetected TMJ pain dysfunction syndrome, both women and men, who received standard treatment according to the developed and approved protocols of the Ministry of health of Ukraine without the use of muscle relaxant caps had a low clinical effectiveness of the treatment (15.6 %), which increased the duration of treatment of this pathology, against the background of a decrease in the quality of their life, which requires further monitoring of clinical manifestations and finding more effective methods for treating these pathological conditions.
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