
  • N.S. Proshchenko Bogomolets National Medical University
  • K.O. Sorokina Institute of Postgraduate Education of the Bogomolets National Medical University



digital method, analog method, occlusal ratios, partial tooth loss, occlusion correction.


In the dental practice of an orthopedic doctor, there are more and more complications after fixing permanent structures, which is due to the need for digital planning, because it is at this stage that the doctor, technician and patient have the parameters of future fixed structures, even before the stage of tooth preparation. This makes it possible to plan the preparation, make it sparing and get the desired result of adapting the neuromuscular and articular complexes to the new occlusal-articulatory ratios of the jaws. The development of technologies is aimed at the following steps: early detection of signs of pathology, synchronization of modern methods and methods of research and innovative equipment for the manufacture of medical diagnostic and therapeutic structures, high accuracy of work, saving the doctor's work time, the maximum digital component of the process, minimizing manual analog management as a factor of avoiding the risk of error/ the introduction of digital technologies has significantly increased the power that is quantitative, the economic and qualitative performance indicators of both dental and technical laboratories and dental clinics in general have led to a radical change in the protocols, logistics and organizational interaction of specialists involved in the process of providing dental care. Purpose of the work. Improving the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of patients through clinical and economic justification and analysis of the basics of planning a dental clinic development strategy. Materials and methods. The T-Scan device of the American company Tekscan makes it possible to study and analyze various types of dentition occlusion. The T-Scan computer occlusion analysis system allows you to collect, systematize and analyze data on the sequence of contacts, the time of occurrence of the first contact and its localization, the sequence of occurrence of contacts in real time, the compression force of dentition rows for a certain period of time, monitor the change in occlusal ratios of dentition rows from the first contact to the maximum interhorbic contact, indirectly talk about the state of the masticatory muscles. Conclusion. The proposed complex of digital planning of dental treatment is clinically effective, since after it the patient and doctor are fully prepared for accurate preparation of teeth and fixation of permanent fixed structures.


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How to Cite

Proshchenko, N., & Sorokina, K. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF ANALOG AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN ORTHOPEDIC TREATMENT OF PATIENTS. Stomatological Bulletin, 127(2), 71–80.

