
  • O.O. Pakhomova Odessa National Medical University
  • O.L. Appelhans Odessa National Medical University
  • O.O. Protunkevych Odesa Polytechnic National University
  • M.F. Konovalov Odessa National Medical University
  • O.B. Solomatin Odessa National Medical University



periodontitis, cat tissues, metabolites of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.


Aim of the work. To determine a contents of reduced and oxidized metabolites of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle (pyruvate, lactate, isocitrate, malate, oxaloacetate, phosphoenolpyruvate and α-ketoglutarate) in tissues of cats with spontaneous periodontitis. Last years the experimental data demonstrate that different by their nature patologic processes and types of stress provoke similar types of damage in cellular system of the oxidationreduction state of body. It is known the regulation of cellular metabolism and energy-dependent processes are related to oxidation-reduction state of pyridin nucleotides. Materials and methods. Experimental animals were 22 cats (2-3 years old) with periodonitis, divided into 2 groups: with the chronic going of the disease and with the acute inflammatory process in periodontal tissues. The tissue samples of liver, alveolar process and rib were removed in short time and cryoconserved with the liquid nitrogen. After the treatment of homogenates in neutralized tissue samples with the use of enzyme methods (Bergmeyer H.Y.) amounts of pyruvate, lactate, isocitrate, malate, oxaloacetate, phosphoenolpyruvate and α-ketoglutarate were determined. The oxidation-reduction state was evaluated by the proportion of contents of oxidized and reduced metabolites. Results and discussion. The study results were processed with common statistic methods of the Exсel software. In the case of chronic periodontitis in cats there are prominent changes of the metabolites contents both in liver and bone tissues. The chronic going of the disease is characterizes with the less value of the oxidizedreduced substrates ratio in comparison to the acute going of periodontitis. The accumulation of lactate in cells related with the inflammation development in the bone tissue leads to the reduction of intracellular medium and the metabolic acidosis. It is related to the change of oxidation-reduction state of NAD-pairs in tissues. Conclusions. The lypogenesis inhibition and lypolysis activation, relativelу, in all cats tissue samples studied were related with the increase of reductive capabilities of pyridine nucleotides in the case of chronic periodonitis. The increase of their oxidative capabilities in the case of acute going of the disease promotes the activation of this process. But the lypogenesis regulation in conditions of this patologic state goes by the different way in comparison with normal tissues.


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How to Cite

Пахомова, О., Аппельханс, О., Протункевич, О., Коновалов, М., & Соломатін, О. (2024). CHANGE OF THE CONTENT OF METABOLITES OF GLYCOLYSIS AND THE CITRIC ACID CYCLE IN TISSUES OF CATS WITH PERIODONTITIS. Stomatological Bulletin, 128(3), 7–12.

