quality of life, oral cavity, periodontitis, questionnaire.Abstract
Purpose of the study. Study of the quality of life of patients with periodontitis of varying severity. Material and methods of the study. 200 residents of Baku city with periodontal diseases took part in the study The quality of life indicators were studied according to the Nottingham Health Profile system, which includes the following parameters: vigour, pain, emotional reactions, sleep, social isolation, physical activity and health status. Additionally, a special questionnaire was used for the subjective assessment of oral health, including the following aspects: bleeding gums, breath odour (halitosis), tooth mobility, gum pain, tooth hypersensitivity, changes in tooth position and plaque. Results. The mean score for the general assessment of quality of life (QoL) among patients with mild, moderate, and severe periodontitis was 4.4±0.69, 7.4±1.25, and 23.2±1.791, respectively. The highest score, exceeding 30 points, was observed in patients with severe periodontitis. The most pronounced effects were observed in the domains of pain, physical activity, and health status. The items vitality and social isolation were less affected. The total score for oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) as assessed by patients was 3.85±0.192 for mild periodontitis, 5.63±0.190 for moderate periodontitis and 11.43±0.499 for severe periodontitis. Comparatively elevated scores were observed in patients with severe periodontitis. The highest mean scores were observed for items such as bleeding, tooth mobility, tooth hypersensitivity and plaque. Conclusions. As the degree of periodontitis worsened and the QoL worsened also. This was particularly reflected in such indicators as pain, physical activity, health status and sleep. Assessment of oral health-related QoL is necessary to determine the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving and maintaining health. The results of the self-assessment study can be used to determine patients’ subjective perceptions of the impact of periodontal disease on oral health.
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