
  • E.V. Horodnov National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets




generalized periodontitis, treatment, prevention, toothpastes.


The purpose of the work: to substantiate the choice of medical and hygienic measures and means of prevention (toothpastes) in dystrophic-inflammatory periodontal diseases. Research materials and methods. Comprehensive examination, treatment and prevention of 157 patients with generalized periodontitis associated with manifestations of anxiety, aged 35-55 years, gender composition of patients – men (28.7%), women (71.3%) were carried out. All patients underwent a clinical examination of the oral cavity using the Green-Vermillion hygiene index, RI and RMA. After a clinical examination, patients who had «satisfactory», «unsatisfactory» and «poor» conditions of the oral hygiene index were offered to choose toothpastes for the purpose of prevention. On the basis of the conducted clinical examination and selection of prophylactic means, groups were formed. Toothpaste «Parodontax Complex Protection» was chosen by 30 women and 11 men who were included in the GP-»R» group; 35 women and 8 men stopped at the «Lacalut Phyto formula» paste, which we included in the GP-»L» group; «Colgate Total 12 Medicinal Herbs» paste was chosen by 31 women and 12 men who were included in the GP-»C» groups. All patients included in the group had periodontal disease and had «satisfactory», «unsatisfactory» and «poor» indicators of the oral hygiene index. Preventive measures of the oral cavity with toothpastes lasted 6 weeks. Assessment of the condition of the oral cavity index of patients after using toothpastes was carried out every 2 weeks. After that, the effectiveness of the pastes «Parodontax Complex Protection», «Lacalut Phyto Formula» and Colgate Total 12 Medicinal Herbs was determined. During the clinical examination, the use of toothbrushes and caresses was also investigated using a questionnaire. Conclusion. It was found that the researched toothpastes «Parodontax Complex Protection», «ColgateTotal 12 Medicinal Herbs» and «Lacalut Phyto Formula» showed high application efficiency, which is proven by the results of dynamics and explained by the composition of plant components. According to our research, the «Parodontax Complex Protection» toothpaste turned out to be a more effective preventive measure. According to our research, the «Parodontax Complex Protection» toothpaste turned out to be a more effective preventive measure. Based on this, it is advisable to recommend it in the maintenance phase of complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases in patients associated with manifestations of anxiety.


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How to Cite

Городнов, Є. (2024). DIFFERENTIATED APPLICATION OF TOOTHPASTE IN THE PREVENTION OF GENERALIZED PERIODONTITIS. Stomatological Bulletin, 128(3), 35–42. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2024-53-3.7

