periodontal disease, anxiety, stress factor, internally displaced personsAbstract
Purpose. To study the state of periodontal tissues of internally displaced young people. Materials and methods. The study involved 43 people aged 18-25 years with periodontal disease. The main group (group 1) included 21 patients with periodontal disease who had the status of IDPs. The comparison group (group 2) included 22 people with periodontal disease who had not changed their place of residence since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The Spielberger-Hanin Personal Anxiety Scale (PAS) and the Situational Anxiety Scale (SAS) were used to assess anxiety. The oral hygiene index (OHI-S), CPITN index, periodontal index (PI) and papillary bleeding index (PBI) were used to assess the state of the oral cavity. Scientific novelty. The data obtained indicate that in young patients, SAS prevails over PAS, although not significantly. Analysing the results of determining the proportion of periodontal diseases, we see that in group 1, the majority are patients with the initial-I stages periodontitis ‒ 11 people (52,4%), and in group 2 ‒ patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis ‒ 12 people (54,5%). In group 1, chronic catarrhal gingivitis was in second place ‒ 7 people (33,3%), and in group 2, of the initial-I stages periodontitis ‒ 8 people (36,4%). The smallest number of patients was found in both groups with generalised stage II periodontitis: in 1 group ‒ 3 patients (14,3%), and in 2 group ‒ 2 patients (9,1%). Patients with stage III periodontitis were not detected in both groups. In IDPs, the results of the study showed poor hygiene (2,65± 0,09 points). In patients of group 2, the hygiene index data were also high and indicated an unsatisfactory state of hygiene, but significantly lower by 1,6 times (p>0,05). The bleeding index in patients of group 1 was 2,38±0,10 points, in patients of 2 group ‒ 2,04±0,07 points, however, there was a significant difference between the groups (p>0,05). The RI index in group 1 patients was 2,07±0,19 points, which indicates stage II of the disease and differed from the index in group 2 patients by 1,4 times. According to the CPITN index, the need for periodontal disease treatment was 1,3 times higher in patients in group 1 compared to patients in group 2 (2,93±0,14 points and 2,24±0,12 points, respectively, at p>0,05). Conclusions. According to the Spielberger-Hanin questionnaire, IDPs have significantly higher levels of both (PAS) and (SAS) compared to patients who have not changed their place of residence since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Periodontal tissue pathology in IDPs is much more severe. High values of the hygiene index and periodontal indices in IDPs may indicate a negative impact of personal and situational anxiety on the state of periodontal tissues.
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