non-carious lesions of the hard dental tissues, electroodontodiagnosis, dentin hypersensitivity, vestibular partial crownsAbstract
Non-carious lesions of hard tissues of teeth are an urgent issue of modern dentistry, their prevalence varies depending on the region, age and socio-economic factors. According to studies, the prevalence of non-carious lesions among adults is 40-70%. The most vulnerable are people between the ages of 30 and 60 who are exposed to various risk factors: stress, bad habits, chemical exposure to acids, and mechanical wear. The aim of the study is to improve the quality of prosthetic treatment for patients with cervical non-carious lesions of the hard tissues of vital teeth by developing and justifying an algorithm for diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures at the stages of prosthetic intervention. Materials and Methods: A total of 58 individuals aged 30 to 59 were examined, including 30 women and 27 men, using clinical-radiological and specialized research methods. All participants were divided into two clinical study groups. The first clinical group consisted of 28 individuals with cervical non-carious lesions of the hard tissues of the anterior teeth, whose defects were restored with veneers and vestibular partial crowns according to the proposed algorithm of therapeutic and preventive measures. The second group, the control group, included 30 patients without clinically diagnosed signs of hard tissue lesions or periodontal diseases, all with physiological occlusion forms. Results: An algorithm for diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive measures at the stages of prosthetic treatment for patients with cervical non-carious lesions of the hard tissues of vital teeth was developed and its effectiveness was substantiated based on the results of clinical, laboratory, and electroodontometric studies.
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