
  • Ye. O. Kliuchka Kharkiv National Medical University
  • I. I. Sokolova Kharkiv National Medical University
  • O. I. Zaliubovska Kharkiv National Medical University
  • N. I. Goidenko Kharkiv National Medical University


adolescent girls, menstrual dysfunction, inflamma-tory parodontal diseases, cytology of gum tissues


In 30 adolescent girls with inflammatory parodontal diseases and menstrual dysfunction (main group) and 30 adolescent girls without menstrual dysfunction (control group) and 10 healthy adolescents, cytological examination of gum tissue was per-formed. It was established that in patients of the main group, in comparison with the norm (healthy), there was revealed a sig-nificant decrease (by 1.4 times; р<0,001) of nucleated cells, non-nuclear keratinizing cells (by 1,9 times; р<0,001) and in-crease of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (3.5 times; р<0,001), intact monocytes (2 times; р<0,001), as well as epithelial cells: with vacuolated cytoplasm (5.2 times; р<0,001), with deformed nucleus (4.3 times; р<0,001) and cells contaminated with mi-croorganisms (3.8 times; р<0,001). From this follows that in the patients of the main group there is a shift towards less mature cellular forms with a predominance of proliferative processes in the epithelium of the gingiva caused by the alteration of cells due to the inflammatory process, which can be regarded as manifestations of compensation. However, increase in the num-ber of cells with manifestations of cytopathology indicates defi-cit of compensation. This leads to defective cell differentiation, leading to increase in the number of immature cell forms. The lack of compensation is also indicated by increase in the number of epithelial cells contaminated with microorganisms. In addi-tion, the dominance of neutrophilic inflammation in gums con-tributes to the formation of exudative, and not proliferative, type of inflammation.
Comparison of cytological picture in the patients of the control and main groups has revealed that in the latter there was a sig-nificant decrease in the number of nucleated cells by 17,1% (р<0,05) and non-nuclear keratinized cells by 18,7 % (р<0,05), as well as increase in the number of epithelial cells with vacuo-lated cytoplasm by 31,4 % (р<0,05), with a deformed nucleus by 30,6 % (р<0,01), polymorphonuclear leukocytes by 20 %  (р<0,001) and cells contaminated with microorganisms by 38,6 % (р<0,001). It was found that the violation of menstrual func-tion in adolescent girls significantly aggravates the violation of cytological characteristics of gum tissues.


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How to Cite

Ключка, Є. О., Соколова, І. І., Залюбовська, О. І., & Гойденко, Н. І. (2021). FEATURES OF THE INFLUENCE OF MENSTRUAL DYSFUNCTION ON THE CYTOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PARODONTAL TISSUES IN ADOLESCENT GIRLS WITH INFLAMMATORY PARODONTAL DISEASES. Stomatological Bulletin, 106(1), 49–53. Retrieved from http://visnyk.od.ua/index.php/mainjournal/article/view/92

