
  • O.V. Gromov State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Min-istry of Health of Ukraine"
  • E.E. Kerimov Azerbaijan Medical University
  • S.I. Akhmedov Azerbaijan Medical University
  • D.S. Ashrafov Azerbaijan Medical University
  • E.G. Guseynov Azerbaijan Medical University


partial and full removable laminar dentures, com-plications, quality of life, ozone therapy


The evidence of the quality of orthopedic dental care is the pres-ence of complications that have developed due to the impact of a removable laminar denture on the prosthetic bed and the re-sponse to it from surrounding tissues. The aim of the study is to increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of com-plications in the oral cavity caused by removable laminar pros-theses. In the course of the research, a survey was conducted us-ing the OHIP-14 questionnaire to determine the extent of the impact of complications in the oral cavity after prosthetics on the quality of life of patients, treatment of patients using medical ozone as a prevention of complications, and comparing the main and control groups according to the questionnaire and clinical studies after treating patients. We examined 86 patients aged from 60 to 75 years, who complained of various complications in the oral cavity after prosthetics with partial and full remova-ble laminar prostheses.
The state of the soft tissues of the prosthetic bed in patients us-ing partial or complete dentures depends not only on the design of the prosthesis and the base material, but also on the thera-peutic and preventive measures taken by the doctor during the adaptation period. The use of ozone therapy in the integrated prevention and treatment of traumatic stomatitis has improved the quality of life of dental patients using removable dentures. With statistically comparable levels of indicators before the start of treatment in the main and control groups (p> 0.05), af-ter a month of therapy, the integral indicator of quality of life (QOL) in the main group was 1.9 times less than in the control group. The use of ozone therapy can reduce the time of adapta-tion to dentures and improve the quality of life of dental pa-tients.


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How to Cite

Громов, О., Керімова, Г., Ахмедов, С., Ашрафов, Д., & Гусейнов, Є. (2021). THE USE OF OZONE IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PARTIAL AND COMPLETE SECONDARY ADENTIA. Stomatological Bulletin, 106(1), 72–78. Retrieved from

