denture bases, fixation and stabilization, edentulous jawsAbstract
Aim of the study. To identify factors that worsen the fixation and stabilization of complete removable plate denture structures based on retrospective analysis of outpatient dental patient charts. Research methods. To address the goal, we conducted a retrospective analysis of 370 outpatient patient charts. The total number of manufactured structures was 692, of which 532 were complete removable plate dentures. We paid attention to patients who had complete removable plate dentures manufactured and installed on the prosthetic bed. We analyzed the number of manufactured complete removable dentures, the number of patients’ visits to the orthopedic department of the dental clinic of the International Humanitarian University (MSU) after installing structures for repair, repositioning, correction. Scientific novelty. A recent study in dentistry has identified critical aspects affecting the fixation and stabilization of complete removable dentures. Analysis of outpatient charts showed that many patients face problems of insufficient stability of dentures, which negatively affects their quality of life. The main reasons are the anatomical features of the patients, the low quality of denture manufacturing and the lack of proper monitoring. Patients with alveolar atrophy are particularly affected. The study emphasizes the need to study the causes of denture instability and implement new approaches to their manufacturing and monitoring, which can reduce the frequency of failures and improve the overall health of patients. Conclusions. Thus, the problem of complete removable dentures is extremely relevant in Ukraine, as it covers a wide range of aspects affecting the health, quality of life and social integration of patients. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement comprehensive solutions that include increasing the availability of dental services, developing financing programs, educating the population and training qualified specialists.
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