
  • O. A. Makarenko Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  • O. E. Uspensky Kharkiv National Medical University
  • T. A. Sevostyanova State Establishment «Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
  • S. A. Shnajder State Establishment «Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"



oral mucosa, dysbiosis, hepatitis, periodontal bone tissue, quercetin


The aim of the work. Investigate the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the drug "Quercetin" on the tissue of the oral cavity of rats with a combined of hepatitis and dysbiosis modeling.
Materials and Methods. In the work on 24 rats, a com-bined simulation of hepatitis and dysbiosis was conduct-ed, as well as prophylaxis with the preparation “Q rc ”. H w r r c by intraperitoneal administration of hydrazine 50 mg / kg twice a week for 5 weeks, and dysbiosis by administering lincomycin 70 mg / kg to drinking water for the first 5 days. In the mucous membrane of the cheek, the urease activity marker and the nonspecific antimicrobial protec-tion marker, lysozyme activity, were determined by a mi-crobial seeding marker, the degree of dysbiosis in the oral cavity was calculated by the ratio of their activities. In the jaw bone, markers of bone metabolism were deter-mined – alkaline and acid phosphatase activity, as well as proteolytic activity. 

Results. The combination of hepatitis and dysbiosis leads to increased contamination by conditionally pathogenic microbiota (increased urease activity) against the back-ground of decreased antimicrobial protection (decreased lysozyme activity) in the rat cheek mucosa. Pathology al-so caused inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the collagen matrix of bones (an increase in proteolytic activ-ity), as well as a violation of bone mineralization pro-cesses. Prophylactic administration of quercetin to rats with a combined pathology of dysbiosis and hepatitis had a pronounced stomatology effect: reduced the develop-ment of dysbiosis in the oral mucosa, and also contribut-ed to the normalization of the processes of mineralization in the jawbone of the jaws of animals.
Conclusion. Studies have shown high efficacy of quercetin as an anti-dysbiosis agent, as well as a drug that stimulates bone mineralization processes, impaired liver pathology and the development of dysbiosis.


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How to Cite

Макаренко, О. А., Успенський, О. Є., Севостьянова, Т. О., & Шнайдер, С. А. (2021). STOMATOPROTECTIVE EFFICACY OF QUERCETIN IN RATS WITH TOXIC HEPATITIS ON THE BACKGROUND OF DYSBIOSIS. Stomatological Bulletin, 108(3), 12–16.




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