
  • V.I. Kutcevliak Харківська медична академія післядипломної освіти
  • A.V. Lyubchenko Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education
  • A.A. Lyubchenko Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education



congenital cleft of upper lip, moral climate in the family, two-stage chiloplasty


Congenital cleft of the upper lip is the most common mal-formation of the maxillofacial region. Having a baby with a cleft upper lip is a tragedy for the parents, therefore, a medical and social problem is the discharging of the mother from the maternity hospital with the operated child. The superearly surgical correction of the cleft in the maternity hospital in the first three days of birth was proposed in 1962, 1967 by Frolova L.E. Long-term re-sults were negative. The proposed method consists in su-turing of the skin part of the cleft under local anesthesia in terms of 3 to 30 days, and subsequent radical surgical correction of the cleft in 3-4 months under general anes-thesia.
Carrying out the First stage of cheiloplasty allows you to reduce the width of the incision and discharge a child from the hospital home with a renewed skin, which re-lieves moral stress in the family.
Stage II of cheiloplasty is performed with less trauma and good results.


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How to Cite

Куцевляк, В., Любченко, О., & Любченко, О. (2021). SURGICAL TRATMENT OF CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL UNILATERAL CLEFTS OF UPPER LIP. Stomatological Bulletin, 109(4), 72–74.