
  • R.I. Ratushnyi Uzhhorod National University
  • S.В. Kostenko Uzhhorod National University
  • I.M. Bogdan Uzhhorod National University
  • O.Ye. Kostenko Uzhhorod National University
  • T.I. Zorivchak Uzhhorod National University
  • G. Nakashidze Uzhhorod National University



root canals, postendodontic restoration, treatment protocol, errors, root canal obturation


Purpose of the study: describe the prevalence of endodontic-associated errors made during endodontic manipulations, the studied sample of dentists who provided root canal treatment. Research methods: clinical and laboratory: description of targeted radiographs of endodontically treated teeth according to standardized treatment protocols; statistical methods: StatPlusPro for Windows. Object of study: 600 sighting radiographs: 318 (53.0%) X-rays of the teeth of the upper jaw, 282 (47.0%) – images of the teeth of the lower jaw. Subject of research: a sample of 32 dentists (17 male dentists) (53.13%) and 15 female dentists (46.88%), who provide dental care on the basis of the University Dental Clinic, as well as in within other clinical bases of the dental faculty of Uzhhorod National University. Scientific novelty. In the modern system of dental care, due to the high prevalence, intensity of caries and the percentage of its complications, one of the unresolved problems is to ensure adequate endodontic treatment, reducing the number of errors that occur during the stages of endodontic manipulations. Our study allows us to identify at which stages of endodontic intervention the greatest number of errors and complications are registered, which allows the endodontist to give more weight when performing certain manipulations, given the statistics we received, which, in turn, will improve the quality of endodontic recovery. Conclusions. The occurrence of errors and the development of complications that occur during endodontic treatment, directly affect the prognosis of the dentition as a complex biomechanical system of the dental apparatus in cases of subsequent postendodontic restoration of teeth by direct or indirect restorations, as well as their use as future supports crowns, removable and non-removable types of orthopedic structures. In the case of fixation of orthopedic structures on endodontically treated teeth, the occurrence of iatrogenic-associated complications is associated with a decrease in the prognosis of success and survival rate of the entire prosthetic structure as a whole. Therefore, the identification of risks associated with the development of errors and complications during endodontic treatment, as well as their minimization through the implementation of various types of preventive measures, remains a relevant scientific and practical issue today.


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How to Cite

Ратушний, Р., Костенко, С., Богдан, І., Костенко, О., Зорівчак, Т., & Годердзі, Н. (2021). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF MAIN ERRORS IN ENDODONTIC TREATMENT OF UPPER JAW TEETH. Stomatological Bulletin, 115(2), 6–11.

