



Autocellular transplants, Endoret – PRGF, autoplasma, directed regeneration, cell therapy


Purpose of the study. To study the scientific world experience of the effectiveness of methods for obtaining platelet-rich plasma and conduct a comparative analysis of their use for directed bone tissue regeneration. Research methods. The work is based on the analysis of the main, freely available methods for obtaining platelet-rich plasma, our choice in clinical experience, in particular, the Endoret – PRGF technique (Human Technology, BTI, Spain), aimed at rational collection, preparation and formation of autocellular transplants for directed bone tissue regeneration of the lower jaw due to the loss of the chewing group of teeth. Scientific novelty. Studying and analyzing the scientific justification in the review of literature sources concerning the priority of the procedure of obtaining mesoconcentrate, taking our own clinical experience of transplantation of autologous “products” as a matrix basis for directed bone tissue regeneration, prepared using Endoret – PRGF technique, we achieved an excellent result, which corresponds to the basic principles of biomedicine and provides mechanisms for the course of physiological processes of normal quantitative and qualitative morphology of bone tissue, with its biological characteristics, which highlights the novelty of research in this work. Conclusions. The PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) technique, which is implemented in all areas of regenerative medicine, is widely used, but the results of clinical application of the protocol are not justified by the predicted constant values of its effectiveness. The uniqueness and effectiveness of the Endoret – PRGF technique are characterized by strict compliance with all stages of obtaining separation into blood plasma fractions, excluding the content of leukocytes; the use of these fractions for their intended purpose provides an excellent result of tissue regeneration.


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How to Cite

Ошурко, А. (2022). JUSTIFICATION FOR THE CHOICE OF EFFECTIVE METHODS FOR OBTAINING AUTOCELLULAR TRANSPLANTS. Stomatological Bulletin, 118(1), 43–49. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-43-1.8

