rapidly progressive aggressive periodontitis, periodontopathogenic microorganisms, molecular genetics method of diagnosis.Abstract
Purpose of the study. To estimate the frequency of detection of periodontopathogenic microorganisms in patients with rapidly progressive aggressive periodontitis using the molecular genetic method of diagnosis. Research methods. A sample of 61 patients (40 men and 21 women) with rapidly progressive aggressive periodontitis was examined. The age of the subjects was 18–32 years. The content of periodontal pockets was analyzed by polymerasechain reaction to identifyspecies-specific DNA fragments of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pgi), Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aac), Treponema denticola (Td), Bacteroides forsythus (Bfo), and Prevotella intermedia (Pin). Biological material (scrapings from periodontal pockets) was taken in accordance with the recommendations of the molecular genetic laboratory of the State Institution “Reference Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”. Scientific novelty. In patients with rapidly progressiv eaggressive periodontitis, Bacteroides forsythus (Bfo) was significantly more of tendetected in the contents of periodontal pockets in a clinically significant concentration. Conclusions. The analysis of the microbial profile of periodontal pockets in patients with rapidly progressive aggressive periodontitis using the method of molecular genetic diagnostics (testsystem “Multident-5”) allowed to determine the DNA ofthe most clinically significant periodontal pathogens in one biological sample with the possibility of both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of results of reseach. Bacteroides forsythus (Bfo) (60.66 %) was found to be significantly more common in patients with rapidly progressive aggressive periodontitis in clinically significant concentrations, both as a monoculture (36.06 %) and in associations with other periodontal pathogens (24.58 %).
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