
  • A.V. Kotelban Bukovynian State Medical University
  • A.I. Ratushnyak Bukovynian State Medical University



children, diseases of periodontal tissues, oral hygiene, РMA, СРI.


Caries are a disease of periodontal tissues, dental-cleft anomalies and deformations of the independent incidence of dental nosologies in Ukraine, and in the world. Periodontal periodontal disease is the same as another group of people. The aim of the study. To study the prevalence and clinical features of the course of periodontal tissue diseases in children of Bukovyna. Materials and methods. To establish the periodontal status of children in Bukovyna, we examined 839 children of various ages. The following observation groups were selected: I – 306 children aged 6 years, II – 298 children aged 12 years, III – 235 children aged 15 years. The condition of the periodontal tissues was evaluated according to the indexes of РMA (1960) in the modification of Parma and СРI (1997). The hygienic condition of the oral cavity was determined using the Silness-Loe and Stallard indexes. The degree of probability of the obtained results was statistically evaluated. The results. As a result of a dental examination of children of various ages, a high prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases among children of Bukovyna was established. It was revealed that the indices of PMA and СРI were probably worse in 12- and 15-year-old children compared to 6-year-old children. In particular, the value of the Schiller-Pysarev test is higher by 10.56 % in 12-year-old and by 11.80 % in 15-year-old children, sextants with calculus and bleeding are higher in 12-yearolds by 86.27 % and 50.57, respectively %, and in 15-yearolds − by 82.05% and 57.54 %. Conclusion. Thus, taking into account the high prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in children of various ages in Bukovina, there is a need for a detailed paraclinical study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of their formation, which will become the basis for improving diagnostic methods and developing adapted treatment and prevention programs.


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How to Cite

Котельбан, А., & Ратушняк, А. (2022). PERIODONTOLOGICAL STATUS OF CHILDREN IN BUKOVYNA REGION. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 104–108.

