
  • O.I. Godovanec Bukovinian State Medical University
  • D.G. Romanyuk Bukovinian State Medical University



pregnant women, saliva, mineralizing potential, secretory immunoglobulin, dental caries.


The aim of the study. To determine the dynamics of changes in the protective and mineralizing functions of saliva in pregnant women in different trimesters of pregnancy. Research methods. An examination and laboratory tests of the oral fluid of 210 pregnant women were carried out, in which the level of calcium and phosphate ions was determined by standardized methods using diagnostic kits "Filicid-diagnostics" and the content of sIgA by the method of radial immunodiffusion in the I, II and III trimesters of pregnancy. The degree of probability of the obtained results was statistically assessed. Scientific novelty. A gradual increase in the level of sIgA in the oral fluid of women with increasing gestational age is observed, in particular, the immunoglobulin content increased by 15.09 % in the II trimester and by 47.17 % in the III trimester compared to the data of the I trimester of pregnancy. A tendency to a decrease in the total level of Ca in the oral fluid of women with increasing gestational age was revealed, namely: by 9.76% in the II trimester and by 12.5 % in the III trimester compared to the data of the I trimester of pregnancy. Fluctuations in the level of phosphate ions were as follows: an increase in the indicator by 7.42 % in the II trimester of pregnancy, followed by its decrease by 12.77 % relative to the data of the II trimester and by 4.98% relative to the initial data. Against the background of a moderate decrease in the total level of Ca in the oral fluid of pregnant women with increasing gestational age, the content of free ionized Ca decreased significantly more, in particular by 21.92 % in the II trimester and by 50.85 % in the III trimester compared to the data of the I trimester of pregnancy. At the same time, the ratio of free/bound Ca changed from 2:1 to 1:1, which indicates unfavorable conditions for the active course of enamel remineralization processes and is a sign of a cariogenic situation in the oral cavity. Conclusions. A decrease in the mineralizing potential of the oral cavity, which progresses with increasing gestational age, was established, as well as changes in local protective reactions, characterized by an increase in the level of sIgA, which indicates a worsening of cariogenic and periodontogenic situations in the oral cavity of pregnant women, which leads to an increase in the intensity of the carious process and lesions periodontal tissues.


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How to Cite

Годованець, О., & Романюк, Д. (2022). CHANGES IN THE MINERALIZING AND PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS OF SALIVA IN WOMEN DURING PREGNANCY. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 113–116.




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