children-athletes, dental caries, periodontal disease, oral hygieneAbstract
Many researchers have proven that dental morbidity among athletes, including children who play sports, not only remains at a high level, but also takes first place compared to other categories of the population. In order to optimally plan the prevention of major dental diseases in child athletes, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the clinical course of dental caries and periodontal diseases in them in a comparative aspect with children who do not engage in high-achieving sports. The aim of the work was the clinical assessment of the state of the hard tissues of the teeth, the periodontium and the level of oral hygiene in children-athletes aged 13-15. Materials and methods. Clinical examinations of 99 children aged 13-15 years were carried out. The main group consisted of 51 children who professionally engaged in sports, the comparison group – 48 children who did not engage in high-level sports. The condition of the hard tissues of the teeth was assessed according to the CFR index, the condition of the periodontal tissues – according to the РМА % (Parma) index, the bleeding index, the Schiller-Pysarev test, the hygienic level of the oral cavity – according to the Silness-Loe and Stallard hygiene indices, taking into account the calculus component. The obtained results were subjected to the methods of mathematical statistics using the Student's test. The results. According to the results of the dental examination of sports children, a high prevalence (88.2 %) and intensity of dental caries (3.41±0.32) was established, which was higher by 24.4 % and 20%, respectively, compared to children who do not engage in sports. sports It was found that the prevalence of periodontal diseases in child athletes was 86.3 %, against 77.1 % in the comparison group. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CHG) prevailed in children of both groups (74.5 % in the main group and 72.9 % in the comparison group). Among children-athletes, moderate-grade HCG predominated (71.1 %), and among children of the comparison group, mild-grade HCG prevailed (65.7 %). Children who are athletes had 1.65 times, 3.6 times, and 1.2 times more indicators of PMA index, bleeding, and Schiller-Pysarev tests, respectively, compared to children who do not engage in high-achieving sports. The analysis of the oral hygiene level of children showed that in the main group, children with a satisfactory level of oral hygiene prevailed (70.6 %), while in the comparison group, the number of children with a satisfactory level of oral cavity was 41.7 % (1.7 1.7 times less), half of the children (50%) had a good level of oral hygiene care. Conclusion. The revealed negative trend of dental morbidity indicators in child athletes necessitates additional diagnostic methods, as well as the development and use of preventive measures to reduce the level of dental morbidity in this contingent of children.
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