
  • O.E. Reyzvikh
  • V.S. Ivanov
  • O.V. Denga
  • D.O. Sukhomeylo
  • S.A. Shnaider



martial law, dental care, children.


Relevance. On February 24, 2022, martial law was introduced in Ukraine, which dictates new approaches to the entire healthcare system in providing medical, in particular dental, assistance to both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the civilian population. The problem of providing dental care is also that the Ukrainian population (in particular, children, women, the elderly) is in a difficult emotional and psychological state, which requires strengthening psychological assistance to the population. Such assistance is particularly needed by: persons who are internally displaced; persons who are in places of active military operations; Ukrainian refugees. Of particular relevance is the issue of providing dental care to children, its provision and capacity not only in wartime,but also in the post-war period of reconstruction of Ukraine. Purpose of the study. To analyze and summarize the experience of providing dental care to children in the State Establishment "Institute of Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" under martial law. Materials and methods. The analysis of organizational support for dental care was carried out; the forms of primary accounting documentation No. 039-2/O and No. 039-3/O for 2022 were worked out, Form No. 20 (annual) was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 378 of July 10, 2007. Results. Since February 22, 2022, SE "IDMS NAMSU" has not stopped its activities, providing all types of dental care to both children and adult patients, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, prosthetics and treatment under general anesthesia. In 2022, employees of SE "IDMS NAMSU" provided dental care to 16,928 children, including 9,166 primary ones. Conclusions. The experience of organizing the provision of dental care to children under martial law, on the one hand, highlighted the problems of dental care before the start of a full – scale invasion, and on the other-allowed us to improve the recommendations on the algorithm of work of individual departments and institutions in extreme conditions.


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How to Cite

Рейзвіх O., Іванов, В., Дєньга, О., Сухомейло, Д., & Шнайдер, С. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE PROVISION OF DENTAL CARE TO CHILDREN UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 31–38.




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