
  • Yu.L. Bandrivsky




generalized periodontitis, mineral metabolism, blood, oral fluid, blood groups


The aim of the study –the peculiarities of mineral metabolism in the blood and oral fluid of patients with generalized periodontitis, depending on the blood type. Research methods. Laboratory tests were performed in 124 people with generalized periodontitis (the main group) and in 120 practically healthy individuals without somatic and dental diseases (the comparison group). The research material was whole blood and oral fluid. Blood from the ulnar vein in a volume of 5 ml was obtained by venipuncture into a vacuum blood sampling system manufactured by VAC (USA). Oral fluid was collected from patients in the morning, on an empty stomach, by spitting into sterile tubes. Magnesium concentration was determined by the colourimetric method; calcium concentration was studied colourimetrically in alkaline medium; iron content in serum was determined without deproteinisation with FerroZine dye; sodium and potassium concentrations were determined by the ion-selective method. Scientific novelty. As a result of the studies, convincing data were obtained indicating the presence of mineral metabolism disorders in the biological fluids of patients with generalized periodontitis, which were accompanied by an average decrease in the level of Mg – by 25,0%, Ca – by 26,64%, Na – by 7,13%, and K – by 27,44% in the blood compared to the corresponding data in subjects with intact periodontium, p<0,01. In the oral fluid of the main group, a similar trend was observed: a decrease in all studied parameters of mineral metabolism was determined, with a significant decrease in the content of Ca and Fe – by 54,49% and 43,43%, respectively, p<0,01. Conclusions. Thus, the results of the study of the basis for the clinical features of the course of dystrophicinflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues revealed a number of significant deviations in the study of mineral metabolism in blood and oral fluid in patients with different blood groups, namely, a decrease in all parameters of mineral metabolism in biological fluids was determined compared with the data of individuals with intact periodontium with the corresponding blood groups. At the same time, disorders of mineral metabolism in blood and oral fluid were more pronounced in patients with generalized periodontitis with blood group 0 (I) and A (II).


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How to Cite

Бандрівський, Ю. (2023). FEATURES OF MINERAL METABOLISM IN BLOOD AND ORAL FLUID OF PATIENTS WITH GENERALISED PERIODONTITIS DEPENDING ON BLOOD TYPE. Stomatological Bulletin, 124(3), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-49-3.2

