
  • V.F. Kutsevliak
  • H.F. Nikonova




comorbid pathology, intestinal microflora, oral microflora, periodontal disease


The purpose of research. To study the relative activity of lysozyme and urease enzymes in oral fluid and blood serum and to determine the degree of dysbiosis of the oral cavity and intestines in patients with various degrees of obesity without type 2 diabetes with periodontal pathology, as well as the change in these indicators after therapy with antidysbiotic and hepatoprotective drugs and corrected diet. Materials and methods. During the research, 170 patients aged from 25 to 55 years with a body mass index of 27-53 were examined. 63 patients with obesity were examined for oral and intestinal dysbiosis. 53 patients with periodontal diseases underwent treatment in the form of basic periodontal tissue therapy along with general obesity treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist. 33 of these patients were additionally taking, following our recommendation, an anti-dysbiotic hepatoprotective medicinal complex of herbal origin and kept a corrected diet. Results. Laboratory studies proved that, before treatment, all patients with periodontal diseases had the indicators of the relative lysozyme activity significantly reduced and the indicators of the relative urease activity significantly increased, both in the blood serum and in the oral fluid, and high degree of oral and intestinal dysbiosis, accordingly. After the treatment, the relative lysozyme activity increased significantly and the relative urease activity of decreased significantly, and the degree of dysbiosis, both in the blood serum and in the oral fluid, declined accordingly in all patients. In patients tested after the therapy with a medicinal complex and corrected diet, these indicators significantly approached the indicators of patients with healthy periodontium in the setting of obesity of various severity. Conclusion. The obtained results enable to assume that there is a correlation between the oral and intestinal dysbiosis and to recommend this medicinal complex for the treatment of patients with periodontal diseases in the setting of obesity of various severity in comprehensive therapy.


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How to Cite

Куцевляк, В., & Ніконова, Г. (2023). ORAL AND INTESTINAL DYSBIOSIS IN OBESE PATIENTS WITHOUT TYPE 2 DIABETES WITH PERIODONTAL DISEASE. Stomatological Bulletin, 124(3), 30–36. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-49-3.5

