
  • N.N. Bandrivska
  • O.I. Mrochko
  • M.O. Iskiv




professional stress, dentists, gender, age, length of service


The aim of the study was to assess the level of professional stress among dentists. Research methods. The study involved 219 dentists of various specialties from public and private institutions in Lviv, of the total number of respondents, women accounted for 55.70% and men for 44.29%. The age of the respondents ranged from 25 to 55 years; the length of service in the specialty was, on average, 20.5±4.5 years. The presence of occupational stress in dentists was determined using the "Occupational Stress Scale" (D. Fontano, 1995). Scientific novelty. The results were analyzed statistically. As a result of the study, it was found that 71% of the surveyed dentists are exposed to occupational stress of varying intensity, which was more pronounced in women than in men (r=28); increased with age (r=73) and experience in the specialty (r=81). Conclusions. The state of professional stress indicates the occurrence of disorders of adaptive capabilities of the body's functional systems and the formation of the phenomenon of "exhaustion". In addition, the state of psychological stress can negatively affect the ability to form a relationship between a doctor and a patient and the quality of their professional activities. Timely detection of occupational stress on the ability of a dentist to perform his/her professional duties should include functional levels of influence: individual assistance, restoration of interpersonal relations in the team, organizational assistance and treatment measures.


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How to Cite

Бандрівська, Н., Мрочко, О., & Іськів, М. (2023). LEVEL OF PROFESSIONAL STRESS AMONG DENTISTS. Stomatological Bulletin, 124(3), 128–133. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-49-3.20

