temporary teeth, acute pulpitis, pain, percussion, probing, diagnostic criteria.Abstract
The aim of the study. To develop an algorithm for the diagnosis of acute forms of pulpitis of temporary teeth based on the data of the anamnesis of the disease and additional research methods. Materials and methods. Research materials were the scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers. In the course of the research, the bibliosemantic method and structurallogical analysis were used. The methodological basis of the research was a systematic approach. The results. With any acute inflammation of the pulp of a temporary tooth, the inflammatory process is more likely to spread into the interroot space than with a similar process in a permanent tooth. This is explained by the greater permeability of dentin, especially in the root junction area. In turn, this can lead to disturbances in the formation of the beginning of a permanent tooth – changes in the timing of eruption and a decrease in resistance after eruption. Also, when making a diagnosis, the stage of development of the affected tooth, the state of the body's general somatic condition should be taken into account. All these features must be taken into account during the course of the inflammatory process in temporary teeth, as they affect the success of the treatment and delayed results. Conclusions: When making a diagnosis, one should take into account the clinical picture of the affected tooth and the results of an X-ray examination, because children cannot always reliably describe their subjective feelings and give a clear description of the pain. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the patient examination protocol in order to make a timely correct diagnosis and use an effective method of treatment taking into account the age of the patient, the stage of the root at which the affected tooth is located, and the general somatic condition of the child, which indicates the level of immunological reactivity, as well as the dental status of the oral cavity.
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