
  • V.B. Pyndus
  • E.M. Djen’ga
  • Т.О. Pyndus
  • S.A. Shnaider
  • M.V. Anisimov



periodontitis, adult patients, bone tissue, densitometry.


Purpose of the study. The study is devoted to the study of the influence of periodontal tissue diseases with varying degrees of damage on the densitometric parameters of bone tissues of the body. Material and research methods. At the beginning of the study, 63 patients aged 35-60 years with varying degrees of periodontal tissue damage were examined at a dental clinic. Patients were divided into 5 groups, namely, norm, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, early-I ST. periodontitis, I-II St. periodontitis and II-III St. periodontitis. Studies of the functional state of bone tissue were performed using an ultrasound densitometer on the calcaneus. The following main indicators of densitometry were used in the work: the speed of ultrasound wave propagation, the reduction of broadband attenuation, and the bone quality index. A statistically significant difference between alternative quantitative traits with a distribution corresponding to the normal law was estimated using the student's t-test. The difference was considered statistically significant at p<0.01. Research results. The results of the study indicate a significant relationship between the degree of periodontal tissue diseases and the processes of general metabolism in the bone tissues of the patient's body. The results obtained should be taken into account when developing complex therapy in the treatment of periodontal tissues. Conclusions. Evaluation of densitometric parameters of bone tissue in patients with varying degrees of periodontal damage indicates a significant relationship between the degree of periodontal tissue diseases and the processes of general metabolism in the body's bone tissues. The maximum processes of bone metabolism in the body were disrupted in patients with 2-3 degrees of periodontitis and minimally – in patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis and normal. The above data should be taken into account when developing complex therapy in the treatment of periodontal tissues.


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How to Cite

Пиндус, В., Дєньга, Е., Пиндус, Т., Шнайдер, С., & Анісімов, М. (2024). INFLUENCE OF PERIODONTAL TISSUE DISEASES ON THE STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL STATE OF BONE TISSUE. Stomatological Bulletin, 126(1), 54–58.




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