diseases of the oral mucosa, red border of the lips, exfoliative, meteorological, cheilitis, lesion elements, localization, differential diagnosis.Abstract
Awareness of the etiology, clinic and symptomatology of various forms of cheilitis will allow the dentist to carry out the correct differential diagnostics, make a timely diagnosis, avoid mistakes in the choice of treatment tactics and eliminate the risks of further complications. In a clinical case, objective examination of a patient with a dry form of exfoliative cheilitis revealed cracks, large, translucent, yellowish scales in the area from Klein's zone to the middle of the lower lip, attached in the middle and slightly raised at the edges. A dry, hyperemic surface was observed in the areas of detachment of the scales. The upper lip is affected to a lesser extent, it was examined for dryness, scales that are small in size and insignificant in number. The mucous membrane, skin and corners of the lips were not damaged. During the objective examination of the patient with meteorogolic cheilitis, slight hyperemia and swelling, dryness, transparent scales attached to the border, and shallow cracks were observed on the red border of the lower lip. The mucous membrane and skin of the lips were free of pathological changes. The herbal soothing preparation prescribed by US per os and the local use of the gel, which has keratoplastic and hydrating (due to the dexpanthenol content), bactericidal, virucidal, antifungal (due to the miramistin content) effects, led to complete epithelialization of the surface of the red border of the lower and upper lip within 9 days from the date of treatment. When conducting differential diagnosis of various forms of cheilitis, it is quite easy for a dentist to navigate and make a correct diagnosis when he relies on Anamnesis data, has certain knowledge that allows analyzing complaints, noting the features of localization and dynamics of the development of primary and secondary elements of the lesion, the duration of the pathological process, the relationship with general somatic diseases. If the diagnosis is made correctly, the patient receives timely and adequate treatment, which leads to rapid convalescence and reduces the risk of relapses.
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