
  • I.K. Novitskaya State Establishment "The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
  • N.V. Gorbatovskaya Kharkiv national medical University
  • D.K. Kosenko State Establishment "The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
  • A.V. Nikolayeva State Establishment "The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillo-Facial Surgery of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"


Pregnant women, periodontium diseases, somatic pathology


A research aim consisted in the analysis of frequency of met of diseases of paradontium for the expectant mothers, burdened by different somatic pathology.
Materials and research methods. In all 102 women are inspect-ed in age from 18 41 to, that were on sanatory treatment in con-nection with somatic pathology. The state of periodont for wom-en was studied, according to recommendations of WOHP.
Results of researches. It was set at examination of cavity of mouth, that the most value amount of cases of chronic gingivitis is educed for expectant mothers with diseases gastrointestinal tract. On a 2th place on prevalence of gingivitis there were women with anaemia (РМА 27,6±2,5 %). The middle index of index of PI in these groups specified on an easy degree. The high index of pathology of periodontium is educed and for preg-nant of woman with the diseases of Cardiovascular system and thyroid. At the estimation of index of CPITN the most wide-spread symptom of defeat of paradontium were inflammation and sanguifluousness of gums.
Conclusion. It was set at examination of cavity of mouth, that at most women as with somathic pathology, so not burdened by somatopathies, there was chronic catarrhal gingivitis. Thus the most of cases of gingivitis is educed for expectant mothers with diseases GIT and anaemia.


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How to Cite

Новицька, І., Горбатовська, Н., Косенко, Д., & Ніколаєва, Г. (2021). CONDITION OF THE PERIODONT OF PREGNANT WOMEN WITH THE ACCOMPANYING SOMATIC PATHOLOGY. Stomatological Bulletin, 106(1), 53–56. Retrieved from

