
  • T.P. Tereshina International Humanitarian University



caries intensity, cariesogenic factors, Pearson correlation coefficient


Purpose of the work. To study the dependence (correlation) between the intensity of caries and the factors of the cariogenic situation: intensity of dental deposits (hygiene index), functional activity of salivary glands (salivation rate) and enamel resistance (acid solubility – TER-test) in students aged 19 to 21 years Materials and methods. Clinical studies were conducted with the participation of 22 students. Individual indicators of caries intensity and indicators reflecting the cariogenic situation were studied. Correlation analysis is a way of assessing linear relationships (general proportionality) between variables, that is, how coherently they change. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used in the work. The Pearson correlation (usually just "correlation") between variables can be positive, negative, or absent at all. Two variables are positively correlated if large values of one variable tend to be associated with larger values of the other variable. If large values of one variable are associated with smaller values of another variable, there is a negative correlation. In the absence of correlation, there is no regularity in the relationship of some indicators with others. Results of researches.Studies have shown that the correlation indices of all compared values are high (approaching 1 – absolute positive or negative correlation). The highest correlation of caries intensity was observed with the hygiene index (0.9135), then with the TER test (0.8974), and with the rate of salivation (-0.8471).


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How to Cite

Терешина, Т. (2022). CORRELATION BETWEEN CARIES INTENSITY AND DENTAL CARIES FACTORS. Stomatological Bulletin, 119(2), 111–114.




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