
  • T.P. Tereshina International Humanitarian University
  • O.L. Chulak International Humanitarian University




tooth restoration, edge staining of filling, intensity of dental deposits, microorganisms


The aim of the study was to study the association between the intensity of dental deposits and microbial colonization of the restored tooth in persons with marginal staining in the enamel/filling zone. Results of researches.The presence of dental raid was determined on 4th overhead frontal teeth, one of that was after restoration. For this purpose conducted painting of lip surface of crown iodine potassium. Than more intensive there was colouring, the more thickness of raid Studies have shown that the higher the intensity of plaque formation on the tooth surface, the greater the likelihood of growth and proliferation of microorganisms on the tooth surface, releasing pigments in the process of life, which are adsorbed by the filling material, especially at the relational points, which is the place of connection of the filling and enamel. Thus, most of the clumping of the tooth surface in the presence of regional coloration was observed by pigmentdispersing microorganisms at the enamel/stop junction.


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How to Cite

Терешина, Т., & Чулак, О. (2022). MICROBIAL COLONIZATION OF TEETH AFTER THEIR RESTORATION. Stomatological Bulletin, 120(3), 152–155. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2022-45-3.26




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