
  • I.V. Khodakov
  • L.M. Khromagina
  • O.A. Makarenko
  • L.M. Mudryk



cariogenic diet, Stefan's diet, Bugayova and Nikitin's diet, modification of cariogenic diet, rats.


The use of Stefan's diet for modeling caries in rats may not be effective due to the probable presence of substances (preservatives) that inhibit the action of cariogenic microbiota in dry milk as one of the components of the diet. Bugayova and Nikitin's alternative diet, which contains cottage cheese instead of dry milk (18,5 %), sugar (54 %), white bread croutons (18,5 %), vegetable oil (5 %), salt (4 %) and «Undevit» (1 dragee on 100 g of feed), causes significant growth retardation in rats and can cause death in rats weighing less than 45 g during 3 weeks. Purpose of the study was to modify the ratio of the components of Bugaiova and Nikitin’s diet in order to improve the feed consumption of rats and prevent the delay in body weight growth for the formation of reliable indicators of dental caries. Research methods. Observations were carried out on 1-month-old Wistar rats with an initial body weight of 46 to 58 g, which were divided into three groups of 10 animals in each group: 1 – standard complete diet, 2 – Bugaiova and Nikitin’s cariogenic diet of, 3 –Bugayova and Nikitin’s modified diet. The duration of the experiment is 50 days. Animals were weighed weekly. The jaws with teeth were isolated from the rats and the number and depth of carious cavities were counted at the end of the experiment. Scientific novelty. Reducing the content of table salt by 4 times and "Undevit" by 2 times with the compensation of total weight due to the increase in the content of refined sugar to 57% in Bugaiova and Nikitin’s modified diet contributes to the improvement of feed consumption by rats and to the growth of their body weight, does not cause death of rats. Conclusions. The cariogenic diet in the given modification helps to optimize the growth of the rat body weight and the formation of reliable indicators of dental caries within 50-60 days.


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How to Cite

Ходаков, І., Хромагіна, Л., Макаренко, О., & Мудрик, Л. (2023). THE MODIFICATON OF M.S. BUGAYOVA AND S.A. NIKITIN’S DIET (1954) FOR MODELING OF DENTAL CARIES IN RATS. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 71–76.




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